Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Training Log - Dec 30

Went for a 30 minute run on the treadmill using the heart monitor to set my pace. It's always interesting to watch the machine adjust to the monitor...it slows down for the exciting parts of TV shows! Got home at about 8:30 and lifted for about an hour.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Alright, It's Resolution Time

As I read my post from August 5th, I realized that I hadn't followed through on my own advice. So...this year I intend to do just that. I still dream of completing another marathon...but I'm not sure how realistic it is at this point. I know that there are somethings that I need to change...and so I will set about changing them.

Ideally, I'd like to run a fall marathon. I recognize now that might be too ambitious a goal. I'm not sure that my body can hack it. Instead, I want to finish a "major" race. Perhaps it will be a 1/2 marathon...or a 10k. To get there, I need to do the following:

1. Lose 10 pounds. At 2 pounds a week, this should be done by mid-February.
2. Lift weights 3 times per week.
3. Cardio workouts. 4-5 times per week using the heart rate monitor. These can include intense walking as well as running. The goal being fitness and avoiding the stresses of long runs while I lose the 10 pounds and strengthen my legs.
4. Have fun.

Well that's it. Those are my goals for the next month. We'll see how it goes!